Monday, September 13, 2010

and everything you're chasin', it seems to leave you empty.

I felt like running today. Not in terms of physical activity, but in terms of getting the hell out of this area and never looking back. How am I in this place again? I need to take the power back. I need to stop letting people get under my skin so deeply that I analyze every single move they make for some indication of what I should do next. I'm tired of letting someone have control over my emotions. There are times when I feel comfortable being me... then there are other times when I feel aggressively mediocre in every way possible... And the kicker here? Anytime I feel bad about myself, it is directly related to how that guy is treating me that day. Before that guy, it was the other one. Given that this one is a million times better than the former, but still: What is that? I am who I am. I may not be perfect, but I'm the only me there is. How can I expect someone else to see my worth and treat me accordingly if, half the time,I can't even see how valuable I am? I know one thing: I deserve better than the shit I've been through when it comes to the people in my life who have a penis. It's soul-searching time, folks.

The main idea here is: Time to learn to love myself unconditionally, because I'm the only me I've got. And the more I think about it, the more satisfied I am with that.

1 comment:

  1. You make me happy :)
    I want you to get the whole grand love experience.

    But I will always love you more than your grand love!
