Monday, August 9, 2010

Stood on the edge, tied to a noose. And you came along and you cut me loose.

"I need somone strong and resolute and sure of themselves. They would have to be in order to put up with me. I am intense and passionate and sexual and emotional and fiercely loyal and jealous and possessive and an absolute mess. But I have the best of intentions. I would never try to hurt someone, and when I love someone, be it friend or family or him, I don't hold back. I can't. Even if I end up getting hurt. I wouldn't erase anything from my past. As cliche as this is, everything I've done and said and experienced, has made me who I am today. This may not be the same "me" next year, and definitely not the same ten years from now. But whoever the right man is will know all my quirks and all my imperfections, and still think I'm the best damn thing that's ever happened to him."

I wrote this more than two years ago, but it's still true. I know who I am. I know what kind of person I am, and I'm happy with myself. I am the definition of a hopeless romantic, and I mean every word I say. I feel like people don't give me a chance. They either listen to the stream of bullshit someone insists on feeding them about me, or they decide to go with someone else who I can guarantee has got nothing on me. I know what I deserve. But I also know what I want.

Why would you walk away from someone who genuinely cares about you and wants to be the one to make you happy to appease people who don't give a shit about anyone other than themselves? Who have to tear others down in order to compensate for their own unhappiness?

So for the love of Jesus Christ, Mohammad, Krishna, Buddha, any effing deity out there, open your damn eyes and start thinking for yourself. I won't wait much longer. Please don't let me down.