Friday, August 7, 2009

make it was.

wipe off that makeup, love,

cover yourself back up

that skin just reminds you

of how he takes advantage

and how you never learn

years of tears, then there was hope

but he was a mistake

all those nights spent

waiting up

making excuses for him

taking the slurs and the words

and turning them into love

turning them into a scared hurt soul

but it was all in your head

his first and last love is for himself

it was never for you

nor will it ever be

he wants to revel

he wants power

he wants none of you

save the ego trip you supply

it is his oxygen

while he is your's.

Make it was, love. Make it was.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Ok people: the bullshit needs to stop. I know that not everyone voted for President Obama, but either way, for the next four years, he is the leader. So time to start supporting his decisions and at least attempting to move the country in the right direction. You all knew from the beginning of the campaign what his intentions were, yet now, he can't get shit passed becuase so many moderate dems and right wingers won't shut the fuck up and let him do what needs to be done to fix the economy and the health care system. I can't comprehend why so many are intent on hating him, no matter what. I have heard people literally say "I don't care what he does, I am never gonna support him." What the fuck is that!? And people are still talking about his birth certificate and Bill Ayers and how he's gonna take all the guns away. Oh my god, really? Are people that stupid? I saw a billboard in front of a gun store the other day that said "The government prefers unarmed peasants". Second Amendment, folks. Your precious guns are safe. At least until your toddler finds them, or Tennessee gives you permission to carry one with you into a bar. One too many beers plus a drunken redneck with a quick temper and a glock equals a pretty shitty night for somebody. Then I am assuming you will wish Obama had taken them away.

Point is, quit your bitching and let the man do what he is best at: Fixing the country.